Our Jerseys
The story of Stoney Hill has been a labor of love. Our Jersey cows have been with us through moves and major life changes. And over the years, the herd itself has experienced both growth and loss of individual animals...some, we will never forget.
For over 20 years our breeding program has focused on combining traits of both strength and sound conformation, which we believe are the main criteria for longevity. We have selected 4 of our Jerseys that have formed the foundation of the new Stoney Hill herd. These special girls have made a wonderful beginning for our micro creamery, since they produce only the A2 beta casein protein. This A2 protein is the same one found in human breast milk and has been shown to have many health benefits.
For those unfamiliar with the differences among the dairy breeds, Jersey cows come in many shades of browns from a light tan to dark chocolate brown, and may also be broken colored with patches of white. While they are smaller in size than the black and white Holsteins that speckle most of the Wisconsin landscape, their large personality is not easily tread upon.
Competing well in the environment for food with their Holstein counterparts who weigh an average of 500 pounds more than they, Jerseys boast a higher feed efficiency (more of what they eat is converted into milk) leaving a smaller carbon footprint on the earth. Combined with their moderate size and gentle nature, ease of calving and naturally higher milk fat and protein content, the Jersey cow remains our choice for the family farm.