There may be lots of reasons you have chosen to commit a precious few moments to read this post. My hope is that you are here because it is important for you to know from where your food comes and how it is produced.
In the beginning, the heavens, earth, plants and animals were created. And here are we, many many generations later. But somewhere in the last hundred years, business overshadowed the forever long history we have had as farmers. Animals have become numbers on a computer spreadsheet and the food we eat is mass produced at a low cost. We don't personally know the farmers who grow our food anymore. And unfortunately, the farmer has been caught between trying to do the best he can for his animals and still make enough money to support his family.
Thus enter the lie: "Get big or get out."
There is pressure to modernize, mechanize and monetary premiums given to those who are willing to 'get big.' Unfortunately, many farmers cannot make themselves see outside the box. Selling milk to a big plant or cheese factory is a guarantee that someone will buy your product. It scares most farmers to consider finding a market for their food on their own. And so, they make more of it to compensate for the low price they receive.
Here at Stoney Hill, we stand to dispel this lie.
My desire is that every person who is hungry for a 'real food' experience would have the opportunity to choose their milk from the farm on which it was made!
It is important that you find the Jersey cows on our farm to be:
happily grazing as our Wisconsin weather permits
living in a clean facility
always eating or ruminating
ready for a loving scratch on the head or under the neck
It is important for you to know about Stoney Hill, our core values and why we produce food the way we do!